East Killara Medical Practice provides a wide range of General Practice services including:
- General Family Medicine
- Health Check-ups
- Men's and Women's Health
- Children's Health
- Mental Health
- Vaccinations
- Travel Medicine
- Diabetes, Asthma & other Chronic Disease Management
- Skin Checks & Skin Cancer Removal
- Minor Surgical Procedures including laceration repair, skin lumps and bumps
& ingrown nail removal etc
- Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen freezing) and diathermy (heat burning)
- Ear Syringe
- ECG, INR & Spirometry (lung function test)
- Ankle brachial index (lower limb circulation assessment)
- Employment & Insurance Health Checks
- Worker's Compensation
- Nursing home care
Please speak to our friendly reception staff for more information
Home Visits
Our Doctors are able to attend home visits given reasonable notice and depending on the Doctor's availability. Home visits are
made within the local area and a non rebatable fee is payable. Please enquire with our friendly reception staff regarding current fees.
- General Family Medicine
- Health Check-ups
- Men's and Women's Health
- Children's Health
- Mental Health
- Vaccinations
- Travel Medicine
- Diabetes, Asthma & other Chronic Disease Management
- Skin Checks & Skin Cancer Removal
- Minor Surgical Procedures including laceration repair, skin lumps and bumps
& ingrown nail removal etc
- Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen freezing) and diathermy (heat burning)
- Ear Syringe
- ECG, INR & Spirometry (lung function test)
- Ankle brachial index (lower limb circulation assessment)
- Employment & Insurance Health Checks
- Worker's Compensation
- Nursing home care
Please speak to our friendly reception staff for more information
Home Visits
Our Doctors are able to attend home visits given reasonable notice and depending on the Doctor's availability. Home visits are
made within the local area and a non rebatable fee is payable. Please enquire with our friendly reception staff regarding current fees.